<aside> 💡 Map filters are an easy way to quickly find specific locations that meet a specific criteria.


Map navigation, filter & select buttons

In the top-left corner of the map, we have three buttons:


Navigation button (Default)

This button is the default when you navigate to the locations map page. With this selected you can click and drag your mouse to move around the map as well as scroll to zoom in & out.

You will see the coloured heat markers on that map that illustrate the number of locations in that area. You can either click on the heat market or zoom in to see the locations within. You can also click on the individual red location markers to show a location summary.


Area Filter button

This button let’s you filter locations by dragging an area with your mouse. When you drag an area on the map, only the locations within that area will be filtered and all other locations will disappear. You can remove the filter by clicking ‘Clear filters’ in the bottom right.


<aside> 💡 The area filter can be really useful if you are wanting to get a better understanding or export all the locations within a certain city or area.


Once filtered, the map then looks like this:


You can then switch between the map and list view whilst maintaining the filter and click ‘Select All’ to quickly perform a batch action on these filtered results (by then clicking “Actions”):