<aside> 💡 In order to create automations, you will need an active Zapier subscription. For more information on pricing, click here: https://zapier.com/pricing

Pricing will vary substantially depending on the number of zaps you create, how active your team are and how complex you make your zaps.


Welcome to our Automation with Zapier page! Here you should find everything you need to get started and set up your first Zaps!

📹 Intro Video


🏁 Getting Started

Connecting Bowimi

Step 1 - in Bowimi

Add [email protected] as a user to your Bowimi account and give it ‘View Activity’ & ‘View Location Contacts’ permissions.

We recommend creating a role called “Zapier” and assigning this role to the user when you create it.

Step 2 - in Bowimi

Go to www.dashboard.bowimi.com/zapier to generate an API Key and click “Copy API Key”.

Step 3 - in Zapier

When connecting your Zapier account to Bowimi, you’ll see this page:
